yo, sex in the news: if the pulitzer had a raunch category


Sex in the news is particularly randy and random this week, so I decided to pass out awards to each of these “gems”:

  • The Hello, Captain Obvious! award goes to the fine folks at The Calgary Sun for this headline: More men want sex on the first date. Christ, this astute publication probably considered Lance “Princess Frostylocks” Bass’s coming out “shocking news.”

  • In the Insert Bad British Joke Here Award category, Miss Great Britain wins the prize for getting dethroned after the judges discovered her girlie mag past. Guess she can’t use that prize money to pay for a dentist after all. Badum, hiss!

  • In the medical arena, the “Better Than The Headache Excuse” award goes to The Register, for their report on cures for women who are allergic to sex. Shit, you can be allergic to sex? Maybe I’ll develop an allergy to “going to class.” Or perhaps an allergy to “my own bad puns.”

  • And finally, the So How Is That War on Terror Going, Again? award goes to the fine Missouri legislature, which just just passed a law prohibiting minors from obtaining a bikini wax without parental consent. So I guess those Al Qaeda folks just hate it when we prevent 15 year olds from stripping hot wax off their pudenda. Seriously.

  • - posted Nov 16, 03:36 in news-commentary sex-sex-sex


    1. Jacques Merde, Nov 16, 11:20:

      “They found 44% of men hope to score on the first date”

      I think what they mean is 100% of men hope to score on the first date, and 44% believe they will score on the first date.

    2. daniel, Nov 16, 14:29:

      testing for addien

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