gonzales v carhart : RH Reality Check is there!

So I was interviewed last week by the upstart blog RH Reality Check as a part of the ‘pro-choice’ side in front of the Supreme Court last Wednesday as the opening arguments for partial birth abortion case Gonzales v Carhart were heard. I just cameo it up for a few seconds—the really interesting/telling sound bites are from Patrick Mahoney, a representative of the Christian Defense Coalition.

What amuses me the most about the interviews with pro-lifers—not only Mahoney, but the women from Operation Outcry—is that they absolutely refuse to acknowledge that Congress is pushing for its own version of judicial activism with this case, as Stenberg v. Carhart—the EXACT SAME CASE—was already decided in 2000. No one in these interviews notices the “activism” in waiting around for Sandra Day O’Connor to say sayonara to the Court, and then pushing identical legislation in front of Roberts’ and Alitos’ nose. Guess “judicial activism” is only a no-no when it comes to those godless pinko liberals, eh?

Check it out!

- posted Nov 14, 10:36 in youtube-goodness politick


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