the post in which your authoress realizes ivygate is somehow improving her love life?!?

Jessica’s Velveeta Cheese-fest Ego Boost of the Week: A Play in One Act

The scene: Your heroine’s palatial (for West Philly, that is) abode, Friday night. A tres dorky Penn/Harvard hospitality party is a ragin’ (as a ragin’ as a band party can get, anyway) and your heroine, bored, decides to mix and mingle with the musically inclined crowd. If one can dress to the nines, she’s dressed to the twos—an unkempt black sweater and an “I want my XMEN” skirt circa 1975. But, your heroin digresses…

A strapping young Harvard lad taps Heroine’s shoulder.

Strapping Young Lad: You!

Heroine: Me?!?

Strapping Young Lad: You’re that girl. That girl from the blog…

Heroine: You mean IvyGate? Well, that wasn’t the most flattering article and…

Strapping Young Lad: Oh, don’t listen to any of the comments. You’re even hotter in person.

Heroine: Jigga what?!

Sadly, nothing else of interest going on, ‘cept for a paper about Playboy in the 50’s I’m writing for my History of Sexuality class with historian Kathy Peiss. (I’ll totally post it—after it’s graded and evaluated, of course.)

But I did get my hair cut, and took an obligatory self-promotion picture. as is every young female blogger’s wont:

new haircut

Internet, do we like it? The jury’s still out for me.

- posted Nov 11, 20:34 in just-life photowhoring


  1. Robert, Nov 11, 21:40:

    Internet gives two thumbs up.

  2. Elle, Nov 12, 02:33:

    I for one love it.

  3. StallionJack, Nov 13, 05:32:

    Hey Jessica, why did you need to get your hair cut? I thought you already shaved.

  4. flint, Nov 13, 23:50:


  5. FaunaConfusia, Nov 16, 00:01:

    hilarious if that really happened…although must my friends be painted in such an unflattering light?

  6. thebareframe, Nov 23, 13:55:

    like it? yes, it’s very cute, and suits you quite well…

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