wally world loves the nazis

Apparently, Wal-Mart has been selling a “No Boundaries” t-shirt with Nazi iconography.

That’s some real American family values, Wal-Mart.

I can’t even think of anything witty to respond to this, really. All I can say is, “Wow.”

- posted Nov 13, 14:41 in deconstructing-bullshit news-commentary


  1. Jacques Merde, Nov 14, 15:12:

    Perhaps it’s because I didn’t go to an Ivy Leauge school and I’m out of your intellectual league, but the t-shirt sold at Wal Mart and the SS Logo are a coincidence. Wal Mart sells white sheets as well, but does that mean they endorse the Ku Klux Klan? I’m disappointed – I thought Ivy League educated individuals were are original thinkers, and aren’t so retrograde in their thinking that they’ll jump on the Bash WalMart bandwagon, as many in the herd of fashionalbe left wing thinkers have done this long ago.

  2. Mike V., Nov 15, 18:14:

    Does this look like a coincidence to you?


  3. Jacques Merde, Nov 15, 18:33:

    The skull and crossbones has been a symbol of death and/or general nefariousness for hundreds of years. The Long John Silver chain of very bad fried fish uses the skull and crossbones, if my memory serves me correctly. I speculate this t-shirt manufacturer wanted to appeal to adolescents attraction to things forbidden, and with a dark edge to them.
    They more than likely knew this was an SS skull and crossbones, however I doubt most people would. I very seriously doubt Wal-Mart executives did. I would venture to guess too that at least a small percentage of Wal-Mart’s top brass are Jewish, and hence especially sensitive to anything remotely anti-Semitic. This is what I mean by coincidence. To say this demonstrates Wal-Marts underlying bigotry is ludicrous.

  4. Jessica, Nov 15, 18:39:

    Jacques—I’d never make the claim that the entirety of Wal-Mart is an anti-semitic organization. However, I do think that maybe one of their artists made this shirt as a covert symbol, or at the very least, was too ignorant to realize what he or she was designing. A big flub on Wal-Mart’s part, nonetheless.

  5. Jacques Merde, Nov 15, 20:01:

    Well covert anything can’t really be proven, so I suppose it’s safest to assume the worst possible scenario? I simply don’t believe most people are that bad, not even Wal-Mart employees. And too ignorant?
    Perhaps, but then ignorance abounds, and it’s one hell of a lot better than espousing evil.
    Like 99.9999% of things that come up in the news, this will be forgotten about, and no one will care. My Jewish work colleague doesn’t care enough either to stop shopping at WalMart.

  6. Jacques Merde, Nov 15, 20:29:

    By the way the new header on your blog is so much better.The old one with the “out of your league” detracted from your sublime beauty. This one accentuates you in every regard. What a set of gams, by the way.

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