DePauw to DZT: No, It's You Who Ain't Good Enough

Closure has arrived to the DePauw/Delta Zeta sorority scandal as the president of DePauw released a statement evicting DZ from campus:

“We at DePauw do not like the way our students were treated,” DePauw’s president, Robert G. Bottoms, said in a letter to the Delta Zeta sorority. “We at DePauw believe that the values of our university and those of the national Delta Zeta sorority are incompatible.”

I’m glad to see academia standing up to the institutionalized sexism and lookism that Delta Zeta’s practices represented. Let’s hope that the future of American sororities is a little more rosy—and a little less peroxide-d.

- posted Mar 12, 13:50 in feminism news-commentary


  1. J. T. Grant, Mar 12, 14:11:

    I hope the university gets sued for slander. It was the university community, not the sorority who mistreated these students and disparaged them. Very sad that the university is not addressing the real issue but using the sorority as a scapegoat.

  2. Jess, Mar 12, 15:04:

    JT—are you referring to the way students treated the DZ sorority members?

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