If Playboy Picked Books Based on Their Logo, Watership Down Might Be on This List


Hugh Hefner, literary analyst?

If you've been paying attention to Playboy recently (I know, I know, you've always read it for the articles), you'd think that someone at the girlie mag's headquarters must be an English major. Playboy first challenged our minds with their list of the hottest erotica novels of all time, including D.H. Lawrence, Vladimir Nabokov, and Anne Rice as unlikely (but so so sexy!) bedfellows. They've done it again, this time ranking the top ten sexiest memoirs. This time, Nine and a Half Weeks and Emmanuelle are contenders for the top ten, with the recent The Secret Life of Catherine M getting top honors.

Now, I'm no erotica expert (although I'm getting there), and I'll admit that Nine and a Half Weeks did a helluva good job of introducing me to S/M's seamy underbelly. But I have to ask Playboy one thing: where in Hades are the blogs?

Belle de Jour, for instance, got a book deal for her real-life, online memoirs about her life as a London call girl. Eden of Just One Bite has been documenting her lusty liasions -- in excruciatingly hot detail -- for years. And hot polyamory? One need look no farther than Naked Loft Party, the product of Lex Konrad and his lovely fiancee, Les. There are hundreds more, all free and available to anyone with a dirty mind, free time, and Internet access. Some are even longer than the memoirs Playboy ranks.

Or perhaps the reason is generational. With the advent of the Internet, Playboy's readership has been on the decline for years. Could it be that Playboy doesn't wish to promote what might ultimately bankrupt them?

While all (or most) of the memoirs and novels Playboy listed have their literary value, I'll admit that I first learned about kink and fetish through furtive glances at Just One Bite, Naked Loft Party, and heck, even the old alt.sex repositories. I imagine that there are many others who came of age in this generation who got introduced to kink, polyamory, and all that fun stuff in exactly the same manner.

What say you? Should Playboy rank the sexiest blogs? Or will literature always best the lap-top?

- posted Oct 5, 22:12 in sex-sex-sex


  1. Anne Elizabeth, Oct 7, 12:07:

    Good question… You should write a letter to the editor of our beloved bunny magazine and ask him to consider doing so !
    And read the new book out about him by one of his ‘girlfriends’—it is quite the expose of what he and the mansion and life as a bunny are really like !
    Anne Elizabeth of Make My Cop Come

    p.s. Now I’m going to go find ‘Just One Bite’ !

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