crowjane is off the hizzle

tell you a secret
Originally uploaded by crowjane.

When it comes to erotica, it takes a lot to impress me.

I've yawned through Anne Rice's Beauty series. I've snored through Letters to Penthouse. And I've rolled my eyes at the countless fetish photographers who seem to believe that they are somehow "edgy" for daring to feature a lass with both sets of lips pierced. What can I say? Sameness is a turn off, and if I got a nickel for every time I read about someone's heaving bodice or giggled at yet another totally cliched tramp stamp, well... I'd certainly be somewhere where "laptop" described the company surrounding me, rather than my computer.

Yet this photo took my breath away. It manages to toe the line between banal erotic "art" (almost always done in grainy black and white, mind you) and raw, objecti-ma-fied smut. The vulnerability of the girl and the the way her toes turn in those Mary Janes and the way she's barely concealed-yet-exposed-at-the-same-time ---

Well, damn. Color me impressed.

- posted Nov 3, 23:40 in photowhoring porn


  1. Anne Elizabeth, Nov 5, 15:12:

    Happy Sunday Jessica ! Interesting where our minds can go when we use our imaginations ! You see a lot in the picture. It strirred you. That’s what good art does—makes you visualize more than you see…
    Anne Elizabeth

  2. StallionJack, Nov 13, 04:25:

    Is she wearing something underneath the black panties or is that her labial beauty on the sides of the panties? That could affect how erotic the picture is, at least for me. :)

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