yo, sex in the blogs

The blogosphere is abuzz with hot + witty commentary about sex, politics, and... sex in space?! Truth is stranger than fiction:
  • AllGirlBand visits the famed BodyWorlds exhibit and gets all hot and bothered over the parents gettin' hot and bothered over visible genitals on cadavers. In other news, none of us have graduated junior high.

  • Sex in space? Apparently, NASA is all Puritan about it and crud. Would they call the first baby conceived in space "The Big Bang?"

  • The Huffington Post gives us the rundown on Bush's new plan to teach abstinence only education for under 30 year olds. Glad to know our administration is spending taxpayer money on the things that really matter -- keeping our legs closed. For America.

  • France's student union estimates that over 40,000 students are turning to prostitution to pay their tuition bills. Wait, the French have to pay for sex?!

  • Because I want my readers to be happy: some pictures of Jessica Alba fooling around with Cash Warren in the ocean. Hey, if you're going to be distracted from what's really going on, the distraction may as well be hot.

  • - posted Nov 1, 13:28 in sex-sex-sex


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