a moment in history

I may have a problem or eight with New Jersey's ex-governor, but the state of New Jersey makes good with the Supreme Court's decision, unveiled just moments ago, to grant same-sex couples the rights of heterosexual couples. If the legislature does not clarify the decision within the next 180 days, marriage will be granted to same-sex couples in the state of New Jersey. Even if they decide to withold the title of "marriage" from NJ same-sex couples, the state will still grant gay couples all of the rights and priviledges of the straights.

It is unfortunate that we exist in a society where the inalienable right to love someone regardless of their gender is only now recognized by the judiciary. It is unfortunate that there are forces in our nation so hell-bent on denying this inalienable, fundamental right, that we must take the issue to the Supreme Court to make this right apparent. It is unfortunate that American conservatives, save for groups like the Log Cabin Republicans, abstain their support for this inalienable right, when the freedom to your own bedroom should be a conservative value. It is unfortunate that conservatives and libertarians act with ethical bankruptcy in pandering to unhinged fundamentalists whom believe the only good homosexual is a dead homosexual.

Yet still, history marches on!

I cannot wait until I am old and gray, and the people who can recall when gay marriage was illegal become numbered. That will so be worth the saggy boobs, Ben-Gay, and Wheel of Fortune reruns.

Every time I think our country is becoming an insufferable nanny state, news like this surprises me. I hope these surprises keep coming.

- posted Oct 24, 16:07 in news-commentary politick


  1. Anne Elizabeth, Oct 24, 17:36:

    Good news indeed !

    Think back to what it was like when women first got to vote. Or children were banned from working before age 16. Or….

    Happy Wednesday !
    Anne Elizabeth

  2. Anne Elizabeth, Oct 29, 19:31:

    Happy Halloween tomorrow ! Have fun !

    Anne Elizabeth

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