Nerve Press Release

Nerve and IFC Present the 50 Greatest Sex Scenes in Cinema

Sites join forces to unveil 10 tantalizing film picks each day this week, with sexy celluloid from over a century of cinema

Filming pretty people sans clothing is easy; creating a memorable sex scene—be it erotic or hilariously, poignantly awkward—is hard. and The Independent Film Channel (IFC) pooled their vast knowledge of sexy and indie, turned the lights off, and studied over a century of movie sex to find the 50 Greatest Sex Scenes in Cinema.

Nerve and IFC will launch ten movie picks each day this week, counting down to #1 on Friday, August 3. From Shaft to Shortbus to Catherine Keener on top in Being John Malkovich, the list encompasses prison sex, piano erotica, Parisian teens and plenty of beauties and beasts.

Sifting through celluloid from 1896 to 2006 was no easy task. Fans might notice that certain standards were purposefully omitted from the list. Nerve and IFC chose the 50 sex scenes as a launching point for readers to share their opinions; much like the real thing, they fully expect a rowdy debate on what makes good sex. Visit and each day this week to see the most honest, brutal, and beautiful sex scenes from the past century.

Called “one of the hottest online magazines” by Vanity Fair, and “Playboy’s body with The New Yorker’s Brain” by Entertainment Weekly, Nerve has been publishing award-winning essays and photography, stimulating reporting, and side-splitting commentary daily since 1997. Nerve features include Sex Advice From…, Position of the Day, horoscopes, film reviews, celebrity interviews, photo galleries, video and more. Nerve is owned by Nerve Media, publisher of, the acclaimed new parenting magazine and community, as well as books, film, and other media.

Comment - posted Jul 30, 16:55 in sex-sex-sex jessica8217s-self-promotion Presents The 50 Greatest Sex Scenes in Cinema

The online magazine I’m working at this summer,, just published The 50 Best Greatest Sex Scenes in Cinema, a collaboration with the Independent Film Channel (IFC). IFC will be doing an Indie Sex series this week with affable host Dita Von Teese!

They’re releasing the list incrementally—my write up for Fur:An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus is in today’s edition, so check it out! There will be more to come… but I can’t spill on what’s number one!

Instead, check out Ms. Von Teese. Mmm. Dita-licious. She’s perfect as a hostess of hot sex in cinema.

Mommy needs a martini!

Pray tell, gentle reader, what are your favorite cinematic sex scenes?

Comment - posted Jul 29, 15:44 in sex-sex-sex jessica8217s-self-promotion

the internet is crazy, and some quickies

So, uh, it looks like my uber-professional “commentary” about naked parties at Penn isn’t dying anytime soon.

CBS picked up the story, and I’ve been deluged with hits from people discussing it on and (not very flatteringly) on Crewcial. Hey, folks! I promise my life does not consist in chugging kegs and running around sans underclothes with frat boys. Really.

Someone at Fark uploaded this picture. The caption kills me:


Hey, anything for publicity, right?

In the meantime, check out these Valentine’s Day quickies: